Navigate to the menu in the top left-hand corner of the screen and select "View and edit your profile".
Select "Main cover" to update your cover photo and to add a bio. You can also change your display name here.
Add frames to make your profile more engaging:
- Photos - Take a selfie or Upload a photo from your device. Follow the prompts on your screen if you would like to adjust your photo. Press the download icon to add the photo to your profile.
- Interests - Choose an interest by tapping the pencil icon and selecting one of the available options. You can then add a short description to describe your selected interest. You can also select a background color for this interest at the bottom of the screen. Tap the check mark when you're done.
- Top 3 - Choose a category, then select three images that you most identify with. Tap the check mark to save your selections.
To rearrange your frames, press down on the frame, drag it to a new position and then tap "Done".
You can delete your frames by pressing "Edit" and then "X" on the frame. Confirm the deletion and then tap "Done".